Should I shut my computer down every night?

Should You Shut Down Your Computer Every Night?

Although PCs benefit from an occasional reboot, it's not necessary to turn off your computer every night. Regular shutdowns can save energy and maintain performance, but if convenience is key, you can opt for occasional shutdowns.Jan 31, 2024
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Can a 1 year old use a tablet?

Q&A: Can I Let My 1-year-old Play on the Tablet? - HealthHub

You can, but you really shouldn't. And here's why: your little one is growing up and needs to fully engage all his five senses to learn and process information. By giving your 1-year-old an iPad to play with, you are limiting the chances he has to fully learn to utilise all his five senses.
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Is a 5 year old laptop too old?

How long does a laptop last? 7 signs that you're due for an upgrade

That means it's important to know how long laptops last, so you can make decisions about price versus longevity. Experts estimate you should get at least four years from a laptop purchase, though 10 to 12 years is the upper limit for any portable.Oct 24, 2022
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Is 32GB RAM overkill for 1080p gaming?

Will 32GB of RAM Improve an Entry-Level Gaming PC? - YouTube

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How long should a motherboard last?

5 PC Parts That Tend to Die: How to Extend Their Lifespans - MakeUseOf

If treated well and kept clean, a motherboard can last for up to 20 years or even more. What you'll find is that the hardware available to that motherboard becomes obsolete, and you may need to upgrade to the latest hardware, but the motherboard itself should continue working just fine.
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Is Lenovo better than Dell?

Lenovo vs Dell Laptops - Australian Computer Traders

Dell design & build quality These laptops are of high quality; however, compared to Lenovo, they may not be as durable. One key feature users wish could be more user-friendly is the keyboard design, as they've received mixed reviews regarding the comfort level.Feb 13, 2024
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